Saturday, June 23, 2012

Summer is here!

Yup. It is summer somewhere in this world. but not Malaysia. Malaysia is all year hot and humid. But the coming month would be very hot as temperature is rising.

And hot news, three streaks of COPA. College Outstanding Performance Award. what performance? academic performance of course! and I couldn't thank enough of those people who are involved and cotributed to my success. What i learnt for years now, success are not alone. They come together.

Back on my schooldays, I am quite a scorer. Maybe not top, but enough to make other kids jealous. But I am not happy. Y? Reason 1, maybe i am not the top scorer. I am average. That is nothing to be proud about. yeah. In the middle does not make u stand out to much. Reason 2, I am not being thankful. I thought that i can do it on my own. Yes I can, but it does not worth it. Other people make success together and they celebrate. I work alone and then when success come, i don't know what to do with it. Now, I learn to be top and learn to celebrate. The right way to celebrate is being happy for everyone else achievement!

Lots of people are in rage of jealousy and i am not denying i am jealous too. I am the biggest jealous monster ever and it is hiding somewhere in the dark. I want to learn to control my jealousy with patience and being thankful for what i had. I would work harder to achieve better. I start to mingle with people, learn to lower my expectation and be sociable. Now, success is more celebrated and enjoyable.

Some people have different goals in life. And those goals are their success to be. My goals? I want to be able to help people be successful and achieve their dreams. I dream big, i work hard and i help people. That is what I do and that is what defines me.

And congratulations to all 102 people who received the same award this time. :D

Monday, January 9, 2012

Down is the only way up.

I knew it from a long long time ago.

I know this day would come. And i do not expect it to be this soon. They day that people will question my credibility and reliability because of what i have achieve before, is not what i achieve now. The day that people put a smirk on their face when i fall. the day that people feel like teasing me because of i am too, a failure, like they are.

When you have achieve something, people wil expect you to keep it up. They start hoping that someday you will take all the responsibility while they linger in laziness. Ignorence is a bliss. But when you do not come out  to their expectation, they are dissapointed. I kill those hope. I did not meet their expectation. I am not going to take the responsibility that everyone should have carry themselves. I am no superman.

These society should realize that, one's achievement is not a gateway to super intelligence nor super human strength. I have showed them how to tackle it using the right strategy. And i have showed them again that truly, i am a normal person. Without the correct strategy, no normal person can achieve success. Success is temporary, that you must keep up all the time. Being successful is truly a big waste of time. You can spend so much time being succesfull and yet, not enjoying the best thing that life can offer. Because being successful is a thing that lies within the eyes of the beholder, and each of these eyes, holds a different definition for success.and no, you can't be that successful infront of all those eyes.

I know this day will come. But i do not expect it to be this soon. Now, it have, i am here to surf the wave. up and down, up and down.