Monday, March 7, 2011

Hardworking: Attitude that pays off

In todays global world, lots of people underatted the importance of hardworking. they are substituting hardworking with procrastinating. These kind of people are delusional and deceived by their own thinking of cutting corners and taking shortcuts. Some just do it illegally and smartly avoided the authority, for quite sometimes.

To succeed in anything, one requires a hardworking attitude. Depending on how successful you want to be, hardworking is proportional with your goals. The more success you want, more hardworking task need to be done.

Living hardworking and living hardship is two different things. Being a hardworking person, you are leaving hardship bit by bit. Hardworking does not mean doing the same thing the hard way, but more like inventing new ways to work things out and put it to work. Hardworking is a more realistic approach in overcoming difficulties. Life will always provide a challenge for you to overcome, and by being a hardworking person, you will constantly solve the problems by working it out instead of just thinking and assuming what will happen or what should be done.

My uncle was once a government doctor before he become a private doctor, which always mean more pays and satisfaction. But he does not earn it easily. When he was serving the government, he took all chances to increase his knowledge and experience while some doctors are loitering around and playing truants. Note that not all doctors are that hardworking. He attends more surgery than his colleagues and learn more skills and solutions from his seniors. This provide him the confidence and the courage to leave the government and take new challenge as a private doctor, which really pays off. He is paid 3 times higher from his previous position and feel more satisfied as he is able to serve his customer the best service he can give.

Not all of us are doctors. But all of us can be a hardworking person and be successful. And all of us are able to be hardworking person, no matter what is our background, our abilities and our financial status.

Start being a hardworking person today and leave hardship behind.

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